Thank you for visiting my website. As of 1.1.2023 I am announcing my retirement from the German and Canadian Taxation business. Effective on that date Ms. Theressa Beauregard and her team of highly skilled professionals at Beauregard Acconting Inc. will be looking after my existing clients and will welcome any new clients. Beauregard Accounting Inc. will also maintain the office on Ontario Street in St. Catharines. For all your tax and accounting needs, German and/or Canadian, please call 289-723-1484 or visit their website for more information. Beauregard Accounting Inc. is looking forward to assist you with all your requirements.
I will still be offering the transfer service of your German Tax payments to the Finanzamt Neubrandenburg. If you need to pay taxes to Germany and want to use my service I would need a copy of the first page of the German payment request letter for processing. You can send this letter by fax to 905-367-7377, by regular mail to 215 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, ON L2R 5L2 or by email as a pdf file to [email protected].
You will receive an invoice in Canadian Dollars for the required payment which can be made by cheque, e-transfer or credit card. You will also receive a confirmation of payment from the German Tax Office in three languages within 4-6 weeks.